Auckland 4/9/07
The flight was good, well good enough. I certainly hope that I never become so cynical that I forget what a marvel intercontinental air travel is, although I suspect that with more exposure to it that I may.
My heart still feels a thrill when I get up close to a 747. It's an old design now but still a magnificent bird, it's lines and size are quite remarkable.
The size of the economy class seats are remarkable too, they, like the meals are a modern marvel of miniaturisation.
But then its a miracle that I am eating at all at 10,000 meters up in the air zooming along over the Pacific ocean Auckland to Hong Kong in 11 hours, so I won't allow myself to complain too much.
The in-flight entertainment I did enjoy. The Air New Zealand seat mounted media screens have a huge selection of TV, movies, games and other time wasters.
I watched 2 episodes of The Simpsons (Classic) 1 episode of Flight of the Conchords (Excellent) and 3 episodes of Little Britian (bloody hilarious).
But as for time wasters I did watch all of Bridge to Terebithia.
Mini-Movie review
The Bridge to Terebithia
Starring; That dude who played the evil robot in Terminator 2
A couple of bratty kids
Maybe it was all my fault. Expecting some sort of C.S. Lewis, Tolkienesque movie where youngsters discover an alternative reality, battle some Cave Trolls, knock over a few Orcs and generally give the Dark Lord a kick in the sack. But instead I got coming of age, discover your true self, the power of friendship,innocence, imagination.
Utter drek, avoid.
We didn't get so see much of Hong Kong at all, like the last time I was here this was just transit. But the madcap rush through the aiport to make my connecting flight on to Beijing was really something else. The airport is another modern marvel, massive, clean and efficient. Our incoming international was contected to the out going (semi) domestic flight to Beijing by a combination of an underground train and a cute little Chinese girl running in a very dignified manner at a surprising high speed in heels.
We got to the next gate with 5 minutes to spare
I am becoming increasingly convinced that this whole country is being run by women. They knew I was coming before I got there and where I had to go before I even knew where I was, and with their sign with my (and the other NZCFS guys) name on it greeting me as I got off the air bridge they even showed they knew who I was, which is something that I am constantly having trouble with.
2 1/2 hours onto Beijing a perfunctory customs check, another highly efficent pick up an airconditioned bus to take us into the great city itself.
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